Missoula Model Railroad Club’s 43rd Train Show & Swap Meet

Big Sky High School 3100 South Ave. W, Missoula, MT, United States

Operating train layouts, model trains, railroad antiques, collectibles, memorabilia, books, on-site concessions, and much more for sale and trade!

Plenty of free parking

Adults/Youth 16 years and older: $3.00
15 and under: Free!

River City Modelers Open House

River City Modelers 1130 E. Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA, United States

Come and view the River City Modelers' HO scale River City Western layout Open to the public! 

Spokane Fall Train Show

Spokane County Fair & Expo Center 404 North Havana, Spokane, United States

200+ tables of railroad related items for sale Model and toy trains, track, toy autos and trucks, bridges, buildings, scenery and more! Train memorabilia - photographs, books, old lanterns, signs, china, linen, switch locks & keys, and more! Operating layouts. Operation Lifesaver Free Parking! Food available! Admission: $8.00 (cash only);...