What to expect…
The Ainsworth Connector convention will feature both full presentation clinics as well as mini clinics. Below are clinics and mini clinics that have been approved thus far and added to the convention agenda.
- Making Buildings: An industrial building flat is used to describe a variety of materials and techniques for model structures.
- Building Benchwork with Extruded Aluminum: This clinic will describe the use of extruded aluminum for building benchwork.
- Building the Yakima NP Depot: Step by step of how I built a replica of the Yakima NP depot for use on the Tri-Cities Model Railroaders layout in Kennewick.
- Prototype Modeling is Easier Than You Think: This Achievement Program topic is often overlooked.
- Working Automatic Car Identification Scanner: This clinic describes the construction and operation of a working, model railroad car identification scanner.
- Telegraphy: Prototype and Modeling: This clinic presents a history of prototype railroad telegraph equipment and describes the modeling of your own realistic, telegraph operator, regardless of scale.
- Layout Command Control (LCC) – What is it?: An introduction to Layout Command Control (LCC).
- Railroad Life: Life on the railroad and modern railroad. My family’s and my years on it.
- Burlington Northern Unit Grain and Coal Train Operations: Operation of unit trains before the BNSF merger. Explanation of how before super elevators grain trains were made up with cuts of cars from several elevators and sent towards terminal elevators. Followed by how unit coal trains were made up and how to handle bad order cars enroute.
- Flat Switching Yard Operations: How the prototype operates and flat switching yard and things that can be added to your model railroad to better represent these practices.
- Basic Scenery, Parts 1 and 2: A two-part clinic on construction techniques for home or portable layouts.
- Basic Electronics: Presentation on wiring, throttles, and DC/DCC. Will show basic materials and methods and go over items to be aware of during construction. I’ll discuss basic troubleshooting and items that can cause problems and how to correct them.
Mini Clinics
- Trolley Controlled by Arduino: Presentation will show an On30 trolley system designed with structures where 3 stops are involved. The middle station randomly receives stops. The Arduino Nano is programmed with 4 different time delays at the stations and will turn on station lights when structures are completed.
- Soldering Track Feeders: I’ll discuss the various methods used and demonstrate what I feel makes a strong, reliable connection that is easy to troubleshoot. This is an over-the-shoulder or side-by-side clinic.
If you wish to support this event by presenting a clinic, please click the corresponding link below to complete and submit the online Clinic Proposal form or by clicking the corresponding link below to be taken to the hard copy form where you can fill out the form, print, and mail in.
Guide for Clinicians
Ainsworth Connector will have clinics taking place from May 9th to 11th. A key part of the convention is a diverse clinic state that appeals to all attendees. As a potential presenter, we would like to give you a timeline to get your clinic ready to present. This will allow ample time for scheduling and ironing out any kinks before the convention.
Mini Clinics
On Saturday, May 10 from 7pm to 9pm, we are going to be holding mini clinics. We have room for 10-12 tables presenting 20-25 minute clinics to small groups of about 6 people gathered around the table. At the end of the time, attendees can switch to another table. In that 2-hour period, you should be able to give your presentation 3 to 4 times. This is a chance for attendees to get closer and more individualized information on your clinic. If you are interested in presenting a mini clinic, please fill out the below form, either online or mail in. The forms are very similar to the main clinic forms.
Schedule for Clinic Preparation
February 28, 2025
Please complete the one-page Presentation Description either online or print and mail in the hard copy. This provides key information for our planning and allows us to promote your clinic on our website as a part of the Convention.
March 31, 2025
First draft of the PowerPoint Presentation due. We will work with you to finalize the presentation during April. This will ensure adequate time to have a final version of your clinic ready for the convention.
April 30, 2025
Presentation finalized and ready to go. Date and time of presentation finalized with clinician. We will be all set to go.
Note: As a backup in case of any issues the day of the presentation, we keep a copy of all presentations se we can display the slides if required. If this causes you any concern or will be a problem for you, please let us know now as it may mean that, with regret, we may have to decline to include your clinic.
After the Convention
With your permission, we will post a softcopy of your presentation slides in PDF format (unedited) on the convention website. We understand that image copywrite issues may not allow this in all cases.
Each clinic room will have a moderator to introduce the presenter and assist with the presentation as required. The room will be equipped with a microphone and. Speakers, allowing each presenter to not short to be heard in the back of the room. There will also be a laptop and a projector or video screen for the presentation. We will have an AV support person to help with any issues that may arise.
If you have any handout materials (drawings, notes, etc.) related to your clinic, please advise the clinic coordinator so we can assist you ahead of the clinic. In general, we do not encourage handouts but rather that you provide a softcopy of your presentation (in PDF format) for the convention website.
If you have concerns about handling the mechanics of you presentation (computers, PowerPoint, etc.) please let us know well in advance. We understand and are here to help you. We want you to be able to focus on your material and not worry about logistics. We would appreciate adequate time to assist you as time constraints for the clinic coordinator increase as the date of the convention.
If the presentation requires any live presentation (demonstration techniques, equipment, etc.) please discuss with the clinic coordinator beforehand to ensure your presentation needs can be met.
We recommend a highly visual orientation to the presentation. (Pictures, drawings, etc.) Keep the amount of text short and in large type. Keep the slides moving, short time per slide. Short clips of embedded video are possible but must be thoroughly tested in advance during the presentation review period.
Please do not rely on having real-time internet connection during your presentation. We cannot guarantee that it will be available in the clinic rooms.
With many pictures, PowerPoint files can get large. We will provide a Dropbox link to all presenters for file sharing if they do not go via email. Any video clips longer than a few seconds should be also sent as a separate file as a backup to the embedded version.
We believe that if you import picture files into PowerPoint, they do not consume as much space as when you simply cut and paste.
PowerPoint files can be compressed once they are completed (See your menu) – HOWEVER THEY CANNOT BE UNCOMPRESSED ONCE COMPRESSED. So best to keep a master copy of your presentation with full resolution images before compressing or leave the compressing to us. We are happy to assist with formatting.
50-minute time slots, approximately 40-minutes presentation with 10 minutes for questions/discussion and a 10-minute break before the next clinic presentation. If your presentation will require more time, please contact the clinic coordinator to discuss your needs to see if they can be met.
The Clinic Coordinator is here to provide you support so that your major focus can be on content and not logistics or technology. The clinic coordinator can be reached at redgar53@gmail.com. Please put “Ainsworth Connector” in the subject line.
If you wish to support this event by presenting a clinic, please click the corresponding link below to complete and submit the online Clinic Proposal form or by clicking the corresponding link below to be taken to the hard copy form where you can fill out the form, print, and mail in.